【同义词辨析】 2018-02-15 评估estimate-assess
estimate: a judgement, considered OR casual, that precedes OR takes the place of actual measuring, counting or testing out: ~ there were 100 people.
appraise: commonly a fixing by an expert of the monetary worth of a thing, but it may be used OF any intent to give a critical judgement: a real estate agent ~ the house.
evaluate: sug. an attempt to determine EITHER relative OR intrinsic value of sth. in terms other than monetary: instructors will ~ all students' work.
value: close to appraise, but does NOT implies expertness of judgement: a watercolor ~ by the donator at $500.
rate: adds to estimate the implication of placing a thing in a scale of value: the actress was highly ~ by her peers.
assess: implies rendering of aprrisal for assigning a taxable value, or for understanding or interpretating, or as a guide to action: officials are still ~ the damage.
estimate估计: 即先于或替代实际测量的判断, appraise: 专业估价,或任何仔细(所谓批判性)评估 , evaluate: 货币以外的定量或定性(relative or intrinsic)评估, value: 和appraise一样是估价,但没有专业的意思, rate评价: 放入等级体系(如5星或4星,信用A或B), assess评估: 为了估税,了解情况或行动。
记忆方法: 1) ERA AVE想成年代(era)大道(avenue),旅游景点==>评价很高。
2)评估的意思是判断某物价值或重要程度mean to judge something with respect to its worth or significance.